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Exclusive Webinars for Keyboard World subscribers

We will have regular webinars which will be exclusive to Keyboard World Subscribers. Each webinar will run for approximately an hour and as with the magazine will feature content aimed at helping you to get the most from your products and further improve your playing. Guests will join us from time to time to bring you content that will not be available on other platforms. 

So why not join us for the best in arranger keyboard content.



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New exclusive Pro webinars


​These a special paid for webinars which will go into more depth than our regular free webinars and will cover specific topics in much more depth.


Only people who have registered and paid will be able to view the content as the video will not be available to the general public on YouTube. 


After payment we will forward you a private link to enable you to join us live or watch at a more convenient time after the event. Once you have purchased access to the webinar you will be able to view it as many times as you want.


Tickets for this event are priced at £4.00 and the webinar will run between an hour and 90 mins.




Your chance to catch up with our previous pro webinars- Tricks of the Trade Part 1 & 2. The webinars run for approx. 75 minutes. You will receive your viewing code shortly after placing the order.



"I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your first Pro Webinar which I watched yesterday evening. Although I’ve read a lot of articles about chord theory over the years, and even committed the Circle of Fifths to memory at one stage, never have I seen and heard such a clear and memorable explanation about Scale Chords and how they work".

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Hinckley, Leicestershire

LE10 0YE

07703 741325

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